This new approach is introduced to facilitate offshore wind energy spatial sitting process. The offshore wind energy spatial sitting process aims to identify the most suitable locations according to a set of criteria; where the criteria weighting process is conducted by many experts result in reduced accuracy, coherence, and making the process time-consuming. RCR compares factor pairs to interpret the relationship between Importance Index scale (1–9) and its descriptors. Results from both case studies provided excellent outcomes, confirming the robustness of the RCR approach and its global applicability in addressing the spatial planning of offshore wind farms.
This approach was quantified through a robust methodology and was used to model the UK’s offshore wind energy rounds. The spatial results obtained for the UK offshore wind programme matched well with the “costly mapping” determined by the UK’s offshore wind developers for their projects (£90k/MW) for the three Rounds. This evidence gives confidence that the RCR approach is accurate as all of the cells for these projects are located in either moderate or high suitability categories determined by this study.
This new approach was published recently on the Renewable Energy Journal Volume 152, for more details about the approach. Click here.

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