Micro wind generation modelling tool developed by the Sustainable Energy Research Group, turbine performance component.
Within the framework of a research project funded by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) a micro wind modelling tool has been developed by SERG prompted by the imminent arrival of the technology. The tool allows the user to define a particular micro wind turbine and simulate its performance at various locations in the UK. Various UK domestic electricity demand profiles which were derived from the group’s residential PV research can be matched to the electricity generated from the turbine. A financial analysis tool calculates the annual savings and the turbine payback period. Carbon savings from the device are also calculated.
Further details can be found in the following publication:
Bahaj A.S., Myers L. and James P.A.B. (2007) Urban energy generation: Influence of micro-wind turbine output on electricity consumption in buildings. Energy and Buildings, Volume 39, Issue 2, February 2007, pp 154-165. view paper