Cities & Infrastructure
Engineering solutions for sustainable, resilient and inclusive cities.
Research encompasses engineering analysis, developing evidence and providing advice to a number of city and district councils. The work includes citywide analysis of building stock performance, providing evidence on required investment for building refurbishment as well as potential solar PV power production from all buildings.
Demand modelling and infrastructure resilience
Demand for networked services such as energy and water vary with changes in household and dwelling characteristics and can be inferred using spatial data. ECCD has developed tools for estimating aggregate demand for services across heterogenous geographical areas or populations providing enhances planning capabilities for reilient future infrastructure.
Urban planning and environmental impact
This research considers the opportunities for change that exist within urban, city-scale infrastructure. It is concerned with future pathways to address negative conditions such as sound and air pollution, fragmentation, ghettoization and impoverished areas.
Research areas: mapping of EV charging points, noise mapping, regeneration of high streets and green city performance tracker