Gregory Sewell Ba(Hons), MSc is currently a research assistant in energy, buildings and behaviour while completing his PhD within the Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Southampton. His thesis is on inter-generational influences on households heating controls with funding awarded by the Smart Infrastructure Scholarship.
Greg completed his undergraduate course in Architectural Technology and The Environment at Plymouth University, also spending 18 months working as an architect during his placement year. This was followed by an MSc in Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design at the University of Bath. After graduation, he took up a consultancy position within the construction industry which involved aspects such as BREEAM, CFSH, SAP, SBEM and WELL. Greg spent 3 years in this role, working with large house builders such as Barratt Homes and Taylor Wimpey among many other companies. His PhD supervisors are Dr Stephanie Gauthier, Professor Patrick James. and Dr Sebastien Stein.
Research Interests
- The human / building interaction
- Sustainable architecture
- Occupancy behaviour & comfort
- Smart cities & infrastructure
- Energy & carbon
PhD Research Project
The UK has a wide spectrum of people, cultures and lifestyles, each with their own unique nuances. As the need for more sustainable ways of living are becoming more common, how are different demographics changing to cope? Are knowledge gaps becoming apparent between different generations of people? Would these gaps affect the occupant’s behaviour within their home? The schooling of younger generations has a heavy emphasis on sustainability when compared to that of generation X and so called baby boomers, but the young are not yet in a position where they can directly influence the world around them. My research will aim to find evidence of such inter-generational gaps and delve into how younger demographics could influence and positively change the actions of older ages, taking knowledge home from school to their parents who in turn may teach their grand parents. Often, human behaviour is the hardest thing to change, but can have (by far) the greatest potential for positive change, thus we should all aim to live virtuously for the world around us.
Email: g.p.sewell@soton.ac.uk
Energy and Climate Change Division
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Room Number: 178/4037
Boldrewood Innovation Campus
University of Southampton
SO16 7QF