Dr Ellis Ridett is a research fellow in energy and sustainability, having recently completed his PhD within the Energy and Climate Change Division and Sustainable Energy Research Group.
Ellis graduated from the University of Sussex in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science degree with honours in Physics, specialising in Astrophysics. Later in 2018, he decided to change fields to focus on energy and sustainability. He began his studies at the University of Southampton, researching the potential options to increase the renewable power generation portfolio on the Isle of Wight (IoW), overcoming the different constraints that the island faces. Being from the IoW, and being a current resident, Ellis understands the challenges that the island encounters and uses local knowledge to guide him through the research. His PhD supervisors were Professor AbuBakr Bahaj and Professor Patrick James.
Research Interests
- Local demand modelling
- Low-carbon technologies
- Local demand utilisation to absorb generation
- Evaluation of grid network constraints and low-carbon generator curtailment
PhD Research Project
Realising the Isle of Wight’s aspiration for renewable energy power generation and local consumption: This research will propose a pathway for the IoW to achieve its energy aspiration of becoming self-sufficient in electricity from renewable sources. The required expansion is currently inhibited by economic, environmental, grid network and social constraints. This research will model current and future demand, generation and demographic on the IoW and will simulate the effect that different interventions have on the specified constraints. The interventions considered include identifying opportunities for local demand utilisation, energy storage systems, demand response strategies and smart grid solutions.
Email: E.Ridett@soton.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)7530459712
Sustainable Energy Research Group
Energy and Climate Change Division
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Room Number: 178/4037
Boldrewood Innovation Campus
University of Southampton
SO16 7QF