Energy and Climate Change Division (ECCD) undertake research to support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA’s) Vision 2030. The research is in collaboration with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), supported by King Salam Bin Abdulaziz Chair in Energy Researcg and KSA Ministry of Education. Projects include: 

Solar Housing in KSA

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is blessed with high solar radiation culminating in a hot climate requiring appreciable amount energy to support modern living conditions and provide comfort in the buildings.   ECCD research addesses KSA’s Vision 2030 and contributes studies to support the renewable energy targets. In this project the research is addressing energy consumption in buildings which is approximately 60% of all consumption in KSA. The focus is on air conditioning and other building loads currently supplied by fossil fuel. Electricity is produced at the building level from solar photovoltaics (PV) systems to shave off such loads. This project is supported by the KSA Ministry of Education.

Solar shaded car parks

ECCD pioneered research aimed at implementing solar PV systems on carport shadings, especially at large car parks. Theoretical studies augmented by demonstration programme of how solar photovoltaic systems can be utilised and maintained as shading components in carports. Understanding the scarcity of water in local environment, researchers of the project have designed cleaning systems using water jets, air, and vibration motors including water recycling units that only operate during evenings. This programme os supported by King Salam Bin Abdulaziz, Chair in Energy Research at KAU.

Capacity building

Developing capacity in renewable energy is important to support Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 and the technical, social and economic prowess in renewable energy systems.  The ECCD team provided such capacity building in the KSA covering renewable energy system design, energy in buildings and socio-economic understanding.

City-wide renewable energy and supply chain

Saudi Arabia is aiming to intensify the adoption and the advocacy of their renewable energy sector. ECCD researchers are (i) addressing city-wide power supply coupled with energy efficiecny and (ii) KSA PV supply chain and its optimisations to support solar projects and local content. 

For more information on ECCD research within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia please visit the King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Chair for Energy Reserach website.