ECCD international partnership with the King Abdulaziz University
The Energy and Climate Change Division has undertaken a variety of research in collaboration with King Abdulaziz University as detailed below.

The research overall aim is to investigate and provide evidence as to the role of solar energy systems in reducing electricity demand in residential buildings, contributing to national aspirations.
Solar Shaded Car Park Project 2017
This project aims to implement a demonstration programme encompassing an operational research and experimental analysis of how solar photovoltaics can be utilised and maintained as shading components in carports.
Impact of solar PV penetration on city grids in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This research studies the impact of PV penetration on the grid of the University of Jeddah Campus, knowledge generated will support analysis on a medium size city in KSA to displace fossil fuel power supply currently been used.
Supply chain readiness for renewable energy expansion in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is aiming to intensify the adoption and the advocacy of their renewable energy sector, to localise 30% in the short term and 60% in the long term of its value chain. To achieve this, a local content market should be large enough to supply the planned 27GW capacity contained with 35+ renewable energy …