Professor Bahaj presented two papers at the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2022), taking place in Istanbul, Turkey on 16-18 August 2022. The papers presented include:
- Enhancing off-grid rural electrification through sustainable PV powered Milk Collection Centers in Rwanda [DeSiRABLE]
- Multi-criteria assessment of offshore wind energy potential at scale: next revolution in energy for Africa & the Middle East [offshore wind]

The International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET) has been running for the past 18 years. SET 2022 is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed international conference on sustainable energy sources and technologies that provides a forum for the exchange of latest technical information, the dissemination of the high-quality research results, the presentation of the new developments in the area, and the debate and shaping of future directions and priorities for sustainable development and energy security.