ECCD engagement with Portsmouth City Council
The Energy and Climate Change Division has undertaken a variety of research with Portsmouth City Council as detailed below

Guidelight – UK Power Networks, electricity distribution 2024
Low-income and vulnerable consumers receive grant funded LCTs through local authority retrofit schemes, but without supporting households to switch tariffs or using digital optimisation tools, retrofit schemes risk creating a socio-technical performance gap that this project will evidence and address through a range of capability-based interventions that are tailored to those in vulnerable circumstances.
ECCD present at Portsmouth City Council’s BIG Climate Conversation 2021
The Energy and Climate Change Division attended Portsmouth City Council’s Big Climate Conversation held at Portsmouth Guildhall on 9 and 10 November 2021.
Green City Performance Tracker 2021
The Green City Performance Tracker has been developed to provide a robust assessment of Southampton City Council’s Green City Charter (GCC) to help the City in its transition towards zero carbon making it a cleaner, greener and healthier city.
Heat Networks 2020
Heat networks provide a high efficiency, low cost option for energy supply based on combined heat and power concepts. Analysis of heat networks performance and deployment of smart heating technologies are mainly applied in heat networks in social housing settings within the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth.
CareTeam outreach 2019
Numerous local and national events have been attended and presented to help disseminate CareTeam to a wide ranging demographic.
ECCD host Care in the Square as part of CareTeam 2018
ECCD hosted Care in the Square as part of the CareTeam project, it was a free to attend fete of care hosted at the Guildhall Square in Southampton City Centre on 5th September 2018.
THERMOSS: Building and district thermal retrofit and management solutions 2017
The THERMOSS project is a response to the 20% primary energy consumption reduction targets set by the 2012 European Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). This calls for effective and wide-scale building heating and cooling systems upgrade strategies. Such strategies will only be successful if they are based upon the right combination of technology innovation and ...
CareTeam – Adult Support Digital Platform 2017
CareTeam is an adult support digital platform that comprises a mobile app and household and personal sensing technologies. This platform aims to support independent living and help carers support their loved ones more efficiently and effectively. The project aims to help adults who currently receive home care to remain independent, comfortable and active, living in ...