ECCD host Care in the Square as part of CareTeam
ECCD hosted Care in the Square as part of the CareTeam project, it was a free to attend fete of care hosted at the Guildhall Square in Southampton City Centre on 5th September 2018.
ECCD hosted Care in the Square as part of the CareTeam project, it was a free to attend fete of care hosted at the Guildhall Square in Southampton City Centre on 5th September 2018.
SENSE is a project looking to develop a new approach to providing energy services (insulation, energy contracts etc) to their residential customers. The aim is to be able to offer a tailored offer to a household – ideally one with whom they already have a gas and electricity contract. Customer engagement is clearly key to the success of this approach, across all stages: recruitment, conversion and deployment.
Alongside the Little Book Series, 9 Case Studies were produced from the Liveable Cities work to showcase the breadth and applicability of the Liveable Cities research to practice and everyday life.
Research into how behaviour, attitudes and personality traits impact upon the provision, marketing and targeting of innovative energy products and services to residential customers.