List of local and national events that ECCD have attended and presented at to disseminate CareTeam to a wide ranging demographic.
Care in the Square
Care in the Square was a free to attend fete of care hosted at the Guildhall Square in Southampton City Centre on 5th September 2018. The event brought over 24 local and national organisations and teams related to care together including Senior Saints, Age UK and Carers in Southampton. It acted as an opportunity for the public to learn about adult care and ways to provide or fund support. CareTeam researchers provided hands-on experience of the mobile app and sensing technology describing the various functions and benefits of the project and its support mechanisms alongside other activities such as choirs and exercise tutorials.

Local Government Association Annual Conference & Exhibition 2019
CareTeam was presented at the innovation centre at the LGA 2019 conference with presentations from both Southampton and Portsmouth City Council explain the different approaches and uses.

Wessex Public Health Conference
CareTeam was presented as part of the 2019 conference with local authorities and researchers being introduced to the scheme providing feedback and taking material to disseminate with their local constituents and groups.

Sustainable City Expo 2018
The research group provided demonstrator tablets, phones and working sensors at the event to give participants an interactive walkthrough of the system. Discussing the experiences and challenges of social care with delegates and their perspectives on implementing sustainable IoT solutions.

Carers in Southampton
CareTeam was presented as part of the Carers Lunch and Talk event, a monthly Wednesday meet up over lunch hosted by Carers in Southampton. Following the presentation researchers sat with attendees providing demonstrations and obtaining feedback on ways to best engage and appeal to carers, further understanding their needs and requirements.

Community & religious group gatherings
Throughout the project the research team has attended various groups and associations including the Chinese community, Highfield Resident Association, Portsmouth Carer Centre, AgeUK and No Limits. Alongside this, religious groups of all faiths have been approached with discussions and tutorials conducted at coffee mornings and services.

During the course of the project 5 participant workshops have been conducted with CareTeam participants and members of the public. These involved short presentations explaining the scope and aims of the projects, focus groups around the use of IoT in care and feedback sessions where participants discussed their experiences and members of the public downloaded and trialled the software.

Academic conferences
Beyond 2021, Gothenburg, Sweeden
International Conference on Energy and Cities 2019, Southampton, UK
2nd Living in the Internet of Things 2019, London, UK
International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex79, Texas, US
CIBSE Technological Symposium, London, UK
33rd Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) International Conference, Edinburgh, UK

CareTeam leaflets