PRIMaRE Summer School 2021
13-17 September, University of Southampton
Experimental testing to quantify the performance of tidal turbines
The University of Southampton’s Energy and Climate Change Division hosted this year’s PRIMaRE Summer School, organized jointly with Cardiff University’s Marine Energy Research Group. The Summer School is the third in a series of high level Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes run by PRIMaRE partners and will follow hot on the heels of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference in Plymouth. Attendance both online and in-person was free, with lunch and refreshments provided free of charge.

Hands-on programme (in-person)
This year, the focus will be on experimental testing and design of marine current turbines and will provide participants with hands-on experience in small groups of:
- Planning flume experiments
- Operating a circulating flume and varying flow parameters
- Setting up and using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter
- Obtaining flow profiles
- Ensuring and improving measurement quality
- Analysis of flow spectra and turbulence statistics
Talks programme (in-person and online)
In addition, there will be relevant presentations from expert invited speakers on topics including:
- Past, present and future of tidal power
- Economics and policy support mechanisms for marine renewables
- Research Council perspectives on marine renewables in the context of Net Zero
- Ecological, meteorological and oceanographic context of tidal power
- Getting a full scale turbine into the sea
- Lab scale testing of scale turbines, hydrofoils and rotor disk simulators
Who should attend?
- PhD students
- Early career researchers
- Industry practitioners
who are planning to carry out experimental laboratory-scale testing of devices or subsystems relating to marine current energy devices.
Key facts
- Attendance at the Summer School is free but in-person places are limited and allocated competitively (see below)
- The Summer School will be residential and delivered in-person based at Boldrewood Innovation Campus at the University of Southampton
- The talks programme will also be available to attend online
- More details of accommodation and social programme will be delivered once demand for places is gauged
- Led by Prof AbuBakr Bahaj (University of Southampton) and Prof Tim O’Doherty (Cardiff University)