Dr Luke Myers , PhD, FHEA, is an Associate Professor in the Energy & Climate Change Division and the Sustainable Energy Research Group (ECCD) at the University of Southampton, where he completed his PhD, progressing from a researcher to his present position. Dr Myers has spent 15 years conducting research into marine renewables and micro wind turbines and can be reviewed in the ECC research portfolio booklet.
Dr Myers’ work has resulted in over 60 articles, published in academic refereed journals and conference series of international standing.
Dr Luke Myers Research Areas
- Marine energy: Research in wave and tidal energy encompass development of new knowledge which contributes to our understanding of the waves and flows in the sea (resource assessment and kinetic energy potential), the conversion of the resource by appropriate technologies such horizontal axis turbines and fundamental understanding of specific wave energy devices.
- MicroWind Turbines : Research covers resource modelling at various scales. Research has included centrally-funded research councils and work on behalf of device developers and large electricity consumers.
Telephone: (023) 8059 3946
Facsimile: (023) 8067 7519
Email: luke@soton.ac.uk
Room Number: 178/4009
Boldrewood Innovation Campus
University of Southampton
SO16 7QF