
  • Southampton to have the best ‘Healthy Life Expectancy Indicator’ across UK cities.
  • Reduce mortality rates attributed to air pollution, aiming to reach equal or lower level of deaths experienced in rural areas.
  • To reduce emissions and satisfy the World Health Organisation air quality guideline values, with nitrogen dioxide levels of 25 µg/m³ by 2025.
  • Reduce number of ‘Air Alert’ forecasts and severity of the forecasts.
  • Reduction in proportion and number of older, more polluting vehicles operating within the City.

Targets for each GCC signatory

  • For 50% or more of employees cycling or walking to work by 2020.
  • For at least 50% of the remaining employees to commute either using public transport or lift sharing.
  • To eliminate all unnecessary highly polluting travel by 2023.
  • To use walking, cycling or public transport for 90%of work related trips by 2025.
  • To replace 20% of requiredflight trips by 2024.
  • 80% of  courier businesses to depend on last mile delivery by 2024.


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