The Energy and Climate Change Division presented at the Beyond 2020 World Sustainable Built Environment Conference held between 2-4 November, contributing 3 papers listed below

- Pathways to universal electricity access for rural communities in Africa – Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj*, Dr. Luke Blunden, Dr. Majbaul Alam, Prof. Patrick A. B. James, Isaac Kiva

- Internal thermal environment and future proofing of a newly built naturally ventilated UK school – Jake Stephen, Dr Leonidas Bourikas*, Dr Despoina Teli, Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj, Richard Congreve

- Implementation of digital technology for connected resilient communities, enhancing access to public services – Dr. Philip Turner*, Dr Leonidas Bourikas, Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj, Dr. Stephanie Gautheir, Prof. Patrick A. B. James, Hannah Dalton, Dr. Nick Allott, Jim Lines
The papers presented highlighted how the specific projects contributed to the Sustainability Development Goals, click here to read more on how ECCD’s research themes relate to the SDGs.