ECCD host UoS Sustainability Strategic Plan Update
The Energy and Climate Change Division organised and hosted the University of Southampton’s Sustainability Strategic Plan Update on Monday 9 December 2024.
During the event, theSustainability Implementation Group (SIG), which leads on the University’s Sustainability Strategy and its implementation, introduced the University’s Sustainability Strategic Plan, highlighting the University’s sustainability targets as set out in its agreed six goals. These included reducing our emissions and embedding sustainability in our teaching, research and investment.
The event provided an update on the University’ Sustainability Strategy discussed its underpinning Sustainability Strategic Plan along with findings from the recently released University of Southampton Sustainability Report 2023-24.
The event featured a presentation from Prof. Phil Wright (Chair of SSB) and Prof. AbuBakr Bahaj (Chair of SIG), with discussion between students and staff on various sustainability topics including ethics and food policy during the Q&A session.
Please see below for a selection of photos from the event.
UoS staff and students can keep up to date with news, updates and events via the SIG Yammer group and SIG Intranet Site.