Room Number: 7/5013
Primary Research Group: Energy and Climate Change Division
Affiliate Research Group: Sustainable Energy Research Group
Research Project: Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency (SAVE)
Research Interests: big data, efficiency, data modelling, management science in energy and public services

Magesh Nagarajan is working as a research fellow in Sustainable Energy Research Group, University of Southampton. Magesh is supporting data management and analysis in ‘Solent Achieving Value from Efficiency’ (SAVE) project which aims at understanding the electricity conservation behaviour under various interventions. He is developing a simulation model to support policy makers in understanding electricity conservation behaviour dynamics in a regional scale. Magesh is working on developing water demand estimation model during droughts using behaviour simulation approach. He is also involved in data management of other research projects. Magesh holds an undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering (Pondicherry Engg college), masters in Environmental and water resources engineering (IIT Madras), and a PhD in Operations Management (Aston Business School). As an interdisciplinary researcher, his primary interests are in applying management science in energy and public services.