Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort in a High-Rise University Halls of Residence

Energy Performance and Thermal Comfort in a High-Rise University Halls of Residence

This project intends to investigate the impact of occupant-related parameters on energy performance using a newly built ‘BREEAM excellent’ University Halls of residence building as a case study. More specifically, it will address the challenge of achieving energy efficiency and comfortable indoor conditions in a building which accommodates international students with potentially very different and contradicting thermal comfort preferences and habits.

IDCOP: Innovation in design construction and operation of buildings for people

IDCOP: Innovation in design construction and operation of buildings for people

“Innovation in Design, Construction & Operation of Buildings for People” (IDCOP) is a multi institutional research programme funded under the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Sustainable Urban Environment (SUE) programme. The aim of the IDCOP consortium is to find new ways to improve the performance of building envelopes over the whole building life cycle.