ECCD have published the Book of Abstracts for the 2022 International Conference on Evolving Cities with ISSN and DOI. The document provides a record of the submitted abstracts for the International Conference on Evolving Cities including all oral presentations and posters presented at ICEC 2022 and can be viewed/downloaded here.
The 3rd International Conference on Evolving Cities (ICEC 2022) took place as a hybrid event (with both online and in-person delegates) at the Centenary Building (B100) situated in the Highfield Campus at the University of Southampton, UK from 13-15 July 2022. It brought together leading academics, policymakers, and industry specialists to debate the role of cities in addressing climate change mitigation impacts and accelerating our transition to net-zero carbon. Over the course of three days, there were 11 keynote, 48 oral presentations and 10 posters by delegates from over 60 organisations. With participants able to discuss and debate ways to develop multi-stakeholder partnerships and implement innovative solutions to propel cities towards low carbon pathways.
Following on from the success of ICEC 2022, the 4th International Conference on Evolving Cities is planned to take place mid-late 2023 with further information to be announced shortly.