Dr Luke Blunden is a Research Fellow within the Energy and Climate Change Division.

Research areas:

  • Energy for Development: off-grid rural electrification; clustering of mini-grids
  • Renewable energy: resource assessment for tidal power; automatic dust removal from PV modules
  • Energy and cities: household energy demand monitoring
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AbuBakr S. Bahaj, Majbaul Alam, Luke S. Blunden (2025) Management of environmental impacts of fossil fuel use in refugee camps through transition to renewable energy infrastructure: Case studies in Uganda and Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Management 374, p. 124039, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2025.124039


Rodolfo Olvera-Trejo, Luke Myers, Luke Blunden, AbuBakr S. Bahaj (2024) An experimental study of the thrust and power produced by a 1/20th scale tidal turbine utilising blade winglets, Renewable Energy 226, p. 120413, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2024.120413


Abubakr Bahaj, Patrick James, Luke Blunden, Majbaul Alam, Philip Turner, Tom Rushby, Victoria Aragon (2022) Showcasing Engineering for Development: Rural Electrification Theme, p. 13, Southampton, UK: University of Southampton, url, doi:10.5258/SOTON/P1080


Majbaul Alam, Abdulsalam Alghamdi, AbuBakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Patrick James (2021) Reducing Air Conditioning Electrical Demand in Hot Arid Climates Using PV: A Case Study in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2021, p. 1-8, Freiburg, Germany: International Solar Energy Society, url, doi:10.18086/swc.2021.45.01

M Alam, A S Alghamdi, A S Bahaj, P A B James, L S Blunden (2021) Residential rooftop PV power generation to support cooling loads and national targets in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042(1), p. 012097, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012097

Luke S. Blunden, Mostafa Y.M. Mahdy, Abdulsalam S. Alghamdi, AbuBakr S Bahaj (2021) Satellite imagery to select a sample of rooftops for a PV installation project in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042(1), p. 012014, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2042/1/012014

Majbaul Alam, Abdulsalam Alghamdi, Ben Anderson, Abubakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Patrick James, Steve Leggett, Mostafa Mahdy, Tom Rushby, Philip Turner, Naomi Wise, Phil Wu (2021) Solar assisted electrical and thermal demand reduction in Saudi Arabia housing: Project team conference abstracts, Abubakr Bahaj (ed.), url, doi:10.5258/SOTON/P0096


AbuBakr S. Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Leonidas Bourikas, Milena Büchs, Patrick James, Yue Wu (2020) Energy, Wellbeing and Cities, Designing Future Cities for Wellbeing, Christopher T. Boyko, Rachel Cooper, Nick Dunn (ed.), p. 71-90, New York: Routledge, doi:https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429470684

A S Bahaj, M Alam, L S Blunden, P A B James, I Kiva (2020) Pathways to Universal Electricity Access for Rural Communities in Africa, {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588, p. 22047, {IOP} Publishing, url, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/588/2/022047

D S Coles, L S Blunden, A S Bahaj (2020) The energy yield potential of a large tidal stream turbine array in the Alderney Race, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 378(2178), p. 20190502, Royal Society, url, doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0502

Luke S Blunden, Stephen G Haynes, AbuBakr S Bahaj (2020) Tidal current power effects on nearby sandbanks: a case study in the Race of Alderney, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 378(2178), p. 20190503, Royal Society, url, doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0503


A.S. Alghamdi, A.S. Bahaj, L.S. Blunden, Y. Wu (2019) Dust removal from solar PV modules by automated cleaning systems, Energies 12(15), doi:10.3390/en12152923

AbuBakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Christopher Kanani, Patrick James, Isaac Kiva, Zoë Matthews, Heather Price, Hildah Essendi, Jane Falkingham, Gerard George (2019) The Impact of an Electrical Mini-grid on the Development of a Rural Community in Kenya, Energies 12(5), p. 778, url, doi:10.3390/en12050778


Yue Wu, Luke S Blunden, AbuBakr S Bahaj (2018) City-wide building height determination using light detection and ranging data, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(9), p. 1741-1755, SAGE Publications Ltd STM, url, doi:10.1177/2399808318774336

Milena Büchs, Abu Bakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Leonidas Bourikas, Jane Falkingham, Patrick James, Mamusu Kamanda, Yue Wu (2018) Sick and stuck at home – how poor health increases electricity consumption and reduces opportunities for environmentally-friendly travel in the United Kingdom, Energy Research and Social Science 44(June), p. 250-259, Elsevier, url, doi:10.1016/j.erss.2018.04.041

Milena Büchs, Abu Bakr S. Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Leonidas Bourikas, Jane Falkingham, Patrick James, Mamusu Kamanda, Yue Wu (2018) Promoting low carbon behaviours through personalised information? Long-term evaluation of a carbon calculator interview, Energy Policy 120(February), p. 284-293, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.030

Yue Wu, Luke Blunden, AbuBakr Bahaj (2018) City-wide Building Energy Efficiency Assessment Using EPC Data, Future Cities and Environment 4(1), p. 1-7, doi:10.5334/fce.10

Yue Wu, Luke S Blunden, AbuBakr S Bahaj (2018) City-wide building height determination using light detection and ranging data, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 46(9), p. 239980831877433, doi:10.1177/2399808318774336


Patrick A. B. James, Atehortua. Victor, Lydia Herbert, AbuBakr S. Bahaj, L. Bourikas, L. S. Blunden, Yue Wu (2017) The little book of rezoning, pdf

Abubakr Bahaj, Luke Blunden, Leonidas Bourikas, Milena Büchs, Patrick James, Yue Wu (2017) The little book of energy and the city, p. 1-30, pdf

J.M. Leach, S.E. Lee, C.T. Boyko, C.J. Coulton, R. Cooper, N. Smith, H. Joffe, M. Büchs, J.D. Hale, J.P. Sadler, P.A. Braithwaite, L.S. Blunden, V. De Laurentiis, D.V.L. Hunt, A.S. Bahaj, K. Barnes, C.J. Bouch, L. Bourikas, M. Cavada, A. Chilvers, S.J. Clune, B. Collins, E. Cosgrave, N. Dunn, J. Falkingham, P. James, C. Kwami, M. Locret-Collet, F. Medda, A. Ortegon, S. Pollastri, C. Popan, K. Psarikidou, N. Tyler, J. Urry, Y. Wu, V. Zeeb, C.D.F. Rogers (2017) Dataset of the livability performance of the city of Birmingham, UK, as measured by its citizen wellbeing, resource security, resource efficiency and carbon emissions, Data in Brief 15, doi:10.1016/j.dib.2017.10.004

D. S. Coles, L. S. Blunden, A. S. Bahaj (2017) Assessment of the energy extraction potential at tidal sites around the Channel Islands, Energy 124, p. 171-186, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.energy.2017.02.023


D. S. Coles, L. S. Blunden, A. S. Bahaj (2016) Experimental validation of the distributed drag method for simulating large marine current turbine arrays using porous fences, International Journal of Marine Energy 16, p. 298-316, The Authors, url, doi:10.1016/j.ijome.2016.10.001


Hildah Essendi, Fiifi Amoako Johnson, Nyovani Madise, Zoe Matthews, Jane Falkingham, Abubakr S. Bahaj, Patrick James, Luke Blunden (2015) Infrastructural challenges to better health in maternity facilities in rural Kenya: Community and healthworker perceptions, Reproductive Health 12(1), p. 1-11, Reproductive Health, url, doi:10.1186/s12978-015-0078-8


AbuBakr S. Bahaj, Luke S. Blunden, Patrick A.B. James, Christopher Kanani, Rucha Amin, Hildah Essendi, Zoë Matthews, Jane Falkingham, Gerard George (2014) ENERGY FOR DEVELOPMENT: REPLICATION OF RURAL DECENTRALISED OFF-GRID ELECTRICITY GENERATION THROUGH TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS INNOVATION, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy Conference 2014, K Yamaji (ed.), p. O-Pe-2-3

Daniel S. Coles, Luke S. Blunden, Abubakr S. Bahaj (2014) EXPERIMENTAL TESTING FOR SPATIALLY AVERAGED NUMERICAL MODELLING OF LARGE MARINE CURRENT ENERGY CONVERTER ARRAYS, Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy Conference 2014, K. Yamaji (ed.), p. O-Oc-4-2


L. S. Blunden, A. S. Bahaj, N. S. Aziz (2013) Tidal current power for Indonesia? An initial resource estimation for the Alas Strait, Renewable Energy 49, p. 137-142, Elsevier Ltd, url, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.046


L.S. Blunden, N.S. Aziz, A.S. Bahaj (2010) Tidal stream power in Indonesia ? A resource assessment for the Alas Strait, 11th World Renewable Energy Congress, p. 40

O. Calles, I. C. Olsson, C. Comoglio, P. S. Kemp, L. Blunden, M. Schmitz, L. A. Greenberg (2010) Size-dependent mortality of migratory silver eels at a hydropower plant, and implications for escapement to the sea, Freshwater Biology 55(10), p. 2167-2180, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2010.02459.x


L.S. Blunden, W.M.J. Batten, M.E. Harrison, A.S. Bahaj (2009) Comparison of boundary-layer and field models for simulation of flow through multiple-row tidal fences, 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference


Luke S Blunden, William M.J. Batten, Bakr S. Bahaj (2008) Comparing energy yields from fixed and yawing horizontal axis marine current turbines in the English Channel, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE 6, p. 729-738, doi:10.1115/OMAE2008-57763

A.S. Bahaj, L.S. Blunden, A.A. Anwar (2008) Model Templates for Reporting and Supplementary Information for the Tidal-current Energy Device Development and Evaluation Protocol, Sustainable Energy Series(6), url

L.S. Blunden, A.S. Bahaj (2008) Flow through large arrays of tidal energy converters : is there an analogy with depth limited flow through vegetation?, 10th World Renewable Energy Congress

A.S. Bahaj, L.S. Blunden, A.A. Anwar (2008) Tidal-current Energy Device Development and Evaluation Protocol. Urn 08/1317, p. 1-42

M.E. Harrison, W.M.J. Batten, L.S. Blunden, L.E. Myers, A.S. Bahaj (2008) Comparisons of a Large Tidal Turbine Array Using the Boundary Layer and Field Wake Interaction Models, 2nd International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE)(October), p. 1-9


L Blunden, A Bahaj (2007) Tidal energy resource assessment for tidal stream generators, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 221(2), p. 137-146, doi:10.1243/09576509JPE332

L.S. Blunden, A.S. Bahaj (2007) Effects of tidal energy extraction at Portland Bill , southern UK predicted from a numerical model, 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference


W.M.J. Batten, A.S. Bahaj, A.F. Molland, L.S. Blunden (2006) Yawed Performance of Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbines, 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates (REMIC 2)

W.M.J. Batten, L.S. Blunden, A.S. Bahaj (2006) Development of methodologies for CFD simulations of farms of marine current turbines, 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates, p. 157-162

L.S. Blunden, A.S. Bahaj (2006) Comparison of Different Approaches to Site Selection for Tidal Stream Energy Resource Assessment, 2nd International Conference of Renewable Energy in Maritime Island Climates (REMIC 2), p. 139-144

L S Blunden, A S Bahaj (2006) Initial evaluation of tidal stream energy resources at Portland Bill, UK, Renewable Energy 31(2), p. 121-132, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2005.08.016


L.S. Blunden, A.S. Bahaj (2005) A high resolution model of the english channel for tidal stream resource assessment, 6th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, p. 51-58


Managing editor of the International Marine Energy Journalan independent, community-enabled, peer-reviewed open-access journal for marine renewable energy research (from its inception in 2018 onwards)


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