G8 scientists requested a visit to the Sustainable Energy Research Group at the University of Southampton to see current research and test facilities of the group, including marine current energy converters and the group’s PV installations.

The scientists visited the laboratory of the group taking a closer look at the marine current energy converter prototypes developed at the University of Southampton. Furthermore the building facade refurbishment work conducted within the IDCOP programme was discussed.

On a tour around the campus the G8 scientists could gather an overview of the group’s PV-installations. They witnessed the inverter commissioning of the PV-array on the atrium of the new Student Services Building.

Participants of the Visit

  • Mr Eduardo Soriano Lousada
  • Dr Carsten Rohr
  • Dr Juan Mata Sandoval
  • Dr Jose Miguel Gonzalez Santalo
  • Mr Denis van Es
  • Dr David Vincent
  • Dr Junichi Fujino