Innovate UK Solar Home System Project

This project will develop new upgradeable solar home system (SHS) for rural electrification. With the key objectives of designing and developing an affordable, upgradeable pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar home system (SHS) product line for off-grid households in Africa. Some of the design characteristics would allow households to add more appliances over-time on a constant $2/week (approx.) rent-2-buy payment; have a 30% reduction in manufacturing costs over costs of incumbent systems allowing poor households to afford full electrification overtime and on an affordable plan. There is a set plan to conduct alpha and beta field tests on at least 400 units spanning three tiers of SHS’s (10W; 30W and 50W) in Africa and commence accelerated life tests. The project will undertake a feasibility study into the productive use of power and end-use combinations for 3-5 different business applications of power encompassing:

  1. Analysis of potential businesses needs and ability to pay.
  2. Creation of a business plan for the end users.
  3. Optimised specification of the power systems and end-use equipment.
  4. Develop new applications for follow on funding to support the identified outcome of the proposed design.

Testing Pico PV systems in the SERG lab


Performance testing of a DC freeze/freezer (prototype) in the SERG lab

Testing PV (Pico) panels in the SERG Lab