The International Conference on Evolving Cities (ICEC2021) hosted by the University of Southampton is scheduled for 22 – 24 September 2021.
Cities are at the centre of the climate and sustainability challenge and provide an important pathway for the transition to net-zero carbon by 2050. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of cities are over 75% of global totals putting cities in a critical position to propel and lead society towards the low carbon pathways required in the 2020s and 2030s.
Cities of the future will be expected to meet new demands, reflected in their form and function. In the transition to net-zero, they will need to provide healthy, liveable spaces, the development of which will require consideration of more than just the provision of energy and other utilities. To address these complex and interwoven challenges, the Energy and Cities conference is therefore transitioning to become the International Conference of Evolving Cities to reflect the broader changes that will occur in diverse and interconnecting aspects of the urban environment.

The International Conference on Evolving Cities (ICEC) brings world-leading academic research together with policymakers, regional and non-governmental organisations, and the private sector to discuss and debate the challenges faced by cities. This is reflected in the highlighted conference themes and topics.
ICEC 2021 is our second International Conference on Cities. The first, ICEC 2019, was held at the University of Southampton in July 2019. The conference successfully hosted around 100 international participants from 22 countries. The conference has also created a platform where international policymakers, for example, the Shadow Energy Minister of the UK and the Director of Renewable Energy in the Ministry of Energy in Kenya, are able to directly engage with academics and industrial leaders.
Call for Papers
We warmly invite you to submit an abstract proposal for an oral or poster presentation within the following themes:
- Energy technologies engineering pathways for reliable and affordable sources of renewable energy to maximise use of renewable resources;
- Smart cities and data state of the art in smart cities and data analytics, understanding of the impact of artificial intelligence on the smartness of cities;
- Cities and infrastructure developing engineering solutions for planning and management to make cities more sustainable, resilient and inclusive;
- Energy, behaviour and wellbeing the role of perception and behaviour in the design and evaluation of healthy indoor and outdoor environments.
We actively encourage contributions from local authorities, researchers across academic disciplines and from post-graduate research students. Abstract submission is open until 28th February 2021. Click here to submit an abstract.
More details can be found on the conference website at